Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2

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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Asking and responding things, Animal and Buildings

  1. Here are some animals we usually keep as a pet, except:
    A. A dog
    B. A crocodile
    C. A cat
    D. A hamster
    Look at the question. It is about a pet.
    Look at the options. We can keep a dog, a cat, a hamster, and a turtle as our pet. But, a crocodile usually lives in a river or in a zoo.
  2. Here is a small animal that we usually see in the backyard:
    A. A cow
    B. A sheep
    C. A ladybug
    D. A goat
    The question is about a small animal.
    A cow, a sheep, an elephant and a goat are not small. The small animal that we usually see in the backyard is a ladybug.
  3. Which one is a domesticated animal that can lay eggs?
    A. A duck
    B. A cow
    C. A goat
    D. A buffalo
    It is about an animal that can lay eggs.
    All the animals in the options are domesticated animals. But, the only animal that can lay eggs is a duck. A cow, a goat, a buffalo, and a sheep do not lay eggs.
  4. Lina wants to buy an English textbook. When does Lina go?
    A. A library
    B. A book shop
    C. A bank
    D. A police station
    Look at the activity that Lina wants to do.
    Lina wants to buy an English textbook. She should go to the book shop. In a library, she cannot buy a book, but borrow a book.
  5. Rendra has a headache. He wants to see a doctor. Where should Rendra go?
    A. A police station
    B. A town library
    C. A hospital
    D. A cinema
    Look at the activity Rendra wants to do.
    Rendra wants to see the doctor because he has a headache. The place to see doctors is a hospital.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Writing Label

Read the conversation below to answer questions number 6 – 10.

  1. Who is going to study Math that day?
    A. Dion
    B. Laura
    C. Anna
    D. Dion and Laura
    Find the word Math or Mathematics then understand the sentence.
    In the dialogue Laura says, “Well, today I have Mathematics lesson.” This means that Laura is going to study Math that day.
  2. How many pens does Laura have?
    A. one pen
    B. two pens
    C. three pens
    D. four pens
    Find the word pen in Laura’s part.
    In the dialogue, Laura says, “I bring two pencils, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, and a Mathematics textbook in it.” This means that Laura brings only one pen.
  3. Who has sports today?
    A. Dion
    B. Laura
    C. Dion and Laura
    D. Dion and Anna
    Find the word Sports in the dialogue.
    In the dialogue, Laura says, “Look! That’s your classmate, Anna.” to Dion. This means that Dion and Anna are classmates and have the same subjects (Sports and Arts).
  4. What is Anna holding?
    A. two pencils
    B. an erasers
    C. three pencils
    D. a racket
    Find what the speakers are talking about Anna.
    Anna is holding a racket. This can be seen in Laura’s part, “She also holds a racket.”
  5. Laura doesn’t have … in her bag.
    A. a ruler
    B. three pencils
    C. an eraser
    D. a Mathematics book
    Find things in Laura’s bag.
    Laura’s statement “I bring two pencils, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, and a Mathematics textbook in it.” explains things she has in her bag. It means that she doesn’t have three pencils, but two.

ItulahContoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2.

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