Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Writing untuk Kelas 7

Berikut ini adalah pembahasan Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Writing untuk Kelas 7, Contoh soal ini dibuat untuk membantu mengerjakan Latihan Soal Kelas 7.

Semoga dengan adanya pembahasan serta Contoh Soal Kelas 7 dapat menyelesaikan tugas Serta Latihan Soal Kelas 7 yang diberikan bapak/ibu guru.

Dibawah ini adalah Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Writing untuk Kelas 7 :


1.Is your house big?
2.what does the house look like?
3.How many rooms are there in the house?
4.What rooms are upstair?
5.What rooms are downstair?
6.How does the writer feel about the house?
7.where is your house located? it a small or big house?
9.How many rooms are there? what are they?
10.Is there a yard or a garden behind or in front of your house?
11.Do you like living there?
12.Is your house clean?
13.Who cleans your house?
14.Do you have a garage?
15.How many people live in your house?
16.Who are they?


(Jawaban ini hanya sebagai contoh, karena jawaban essay bergantung pada pendapat masing-masing, yang ditulis oleh penulis)

1.My house is very big.
2.My house is big, has brown colour and there is a park in front of my house
3.There are four rooms in my house
4.There are two bedrooms and one family room upstair
5.There are two bedrooms, living room and kitchen downstair
6.I am very comfortable with my house
7.I live in Jl Bumi Manti 3 No 80 Kampung Baru, Bandar Lampung
8.It is big house
9.There are four bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms and one kitchen
10.There is a yard or park in front of my house
11.Yes, I like living there
12.Yes, my house is always clean
13.I always sweep and clean my house every day
14.Yes, I have small garage
15.There are five people in my house
16.Me, my father, my mom, my older sster and my younger brother.

Itulah dia pembahasan Contoh Soal dan Jawaban Writing untuk Kelas 7. Semoga bermanfaat untuk adik – adik semua. Jika ada yang belum jelas bisa ditanyakan di kolom komentar

  Kunci Jawaban IPS Kelas 7 Halaman 282

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